SMM’s unique consulting approach is based on 21 years of industry expertise across value chains in the metals industry. It provides our clients with objective insights and integrated solutions.

Primary Research
FTF Interview, Tel Interview
With a database of over 150,000 participants in SMM metals industry, SMM consulting can identify and contact key personnel at each company through a phone call or in-person meeting to collection information.

Secondary Research
Year Book, Annual Statistics
SMM maintains a positive relationship with the government, trade associations and groups to tap their database of statistics.

Info Bank
Macro Data(economics, industry, etc.), Micro Data(company, technology, price, etc.), Market Insights
The Info Bank is part of SMM’s Intelligence Property that also includes an in-depth database of the metals industry in SMM with over 10 years of information.

Constant Data Tracking
Weekly/Monthly/Quarterly/Annually Report, Daily Data Tracking
SMM analysts have been tracking the Chinese metals market since 1999, with daily/weekly/monthly updates.
Breadth of coverage
Beyond trends and influences in the markets, this extends to downstream, upstream and cross-commodity factors.
Length of Time
With over 10 years of data and project experience, SMM consulting can track the market back to the 1990s and make forecasts based on an understanding of market drivers.
Depth of Analysis
By collecting reliable information from value chain partners, SMM consulting can provide in-depth analysis for the complete product value chain.