• 300+Enterprise Datas
  • 10+Industrial Parks
  • 10000+Receivers
  • 10+Sponsors
Map of China & Indonesia's Nickel & Stainless Steel and New Energy Industries in 2024 (International Edition)
As the world's largest producer of laterite nickel ore, Indonesia holds infinite opportunities. The nickel industry is growing rapidly in Indonesia's fertile soil, attracting global investment. At the same time, China, the largest downstream user of nickel products in Indonesia, has also achieved further development in the new energy and stainless steel industries by 2024. How many nickel-related production and planned projects does Indonesia have? What is the distribution of pyro-metallurgical and hydro-metallurgical processes? How is the development of China's new energy and stainless steel markets going? With the attention of the market, Shanghai Metals Market, in order to focus on the direction of industry development, has joined forces with major domestic and foreign associations and institutions in the industry chain to jointly produce the "Map of China & Indonesia's Nickel & Stainless Steel and New Energy Industries in 2024 (International Edition)"
The Map Includes
  • imgProduction Capacity and Distribution of Chinese Nickel Smelters: Nickel Pig-Iron, High-Grade Nickel Matte, Nickel Sulfate, Electrolytic Nickel and Electrowinning Nickel
  • imgProduction Capacity and Distribution of Indonesian Nickel Smelters: Nickel Intermediate Products, Nickel-Iron, High-Grade Nickel Matte, Nickel Sulfate, and Electroplated Nickel
  • imgProduction Capacity and Distribution of Indonesia's Stainless Steel
Printing and Distribution


Total: 15,000 copies.

Target Clients:

- Upstream: Miners, smelter and process plants worldwide

- Downstream: Manufacturers of stainless steel, alloys, castings, and battery

- End product manufacturers (Car makers, construction companies, etc)

- Third Party (Consultancy, law firm, EPC, Finance)

Advantages of Being a Co-Producer
  • imgA Wide Range of Publicity that Includes Upstream and Downstream Enterprises
  • imgObtain Professional Data and Higher Reputation
  • imgThe Map - a Super Business Card that Has Significant Promotional Effect
Sponsorship Packages
Previous map samples, for reference only
Lead Sponsor(12,500 USD)

(1) How to Display: A. Presented as a co-producer and a major sponsor. B. Advertisement above the map.

(2) Display Content: A. Main products and contact information B. Company's website, QR code of WhatsApp, and introduction of corporate culture, etc.

(3) Image Size: 220mm*80mm(The size of the Image is for reference only, the actual size serves as the standard.)

(4) Social Media Posts:3 x Posts on 'ICMC LINKEDIN CHANNEL'

(5) Value-Added Service 1: One special report on enterprise news

(6) Value-Added Service 2: Video carousel during the Indonesia Critical Mineral Conference2025

(7) Value-Added Service 3: Contact information provided by the map claimer

Glod Sponsor(6,500 USD)

(1) How to Display: A. Presented as a co-producer and a gold sponsor B. Advertisement below the map.

(2) Display Content: A. Main products and contact information. B. Company's website, QR code of WhatsApp, and introduction of corporate culture, etc.

(3) Image Size: 155mm*70mm(The size of the Image is for reference only, the actual size serves as the standard.)

(4) Social Media Posts:2 x Posts on 'ICMC LINKEDIN CHANNEL'

(5) Value-Added Service 1: One special report on enterprise news

(6) Value-Added Service 2: Contact information provided by the map claimer

Silver Sponsor(3,050 USD)

(1) Sponsor Display: Advertisement below the map.

(2) Display Content: A. Main products and contact information B. Company's website, QR code of Wecom/Whatsapp, and corporate culture, etc.

(3) Image Size: 120mm*40mm(The size of the Image is for reference only, the actual size serves as the standard.)

(4) Value-Added Service 1: Contact information provided by the map claimer

(5) Value-Added Service 2: 1 x Social Media Post on 'ICMC LINKEDIN CHANNEL'

How to Obtain

- Sign up on map website and take it on the conference site.

- SMM Event: APAC Stainless Steel Conference, Indonesia Critical Minerals Conference 2025, and other SMM conferences & exhibitions.