Yesterday, the spot tin market saw a cooling in trading activity, with trade companies' quotations remaining stable and showing no significant fluctuations. The price range of tin ingots from various domestic brands remained relatively fixed, with small-brand tin ingots and imported tin ingots showing a slight discount against the SMM 1# tin ingot price, while delivery brand prices and Yunnan Tin brand tin ingots showed a slight premium against the SMM 1# tin ingot price. In yesterday's market, tin prices fluctuated upward, maintaining a rangebound movement during the night session, and trading activity in the spot market cooled down. Most downstream enterprises have completed their restocking plans and showed low purchasing enthusiasm. On the trade companies' side, most companies had a trading volume of around 10 mt, with a few companies reaching a trading volume of about one truckload. Overall, the market's trading atmosphere cooled down. In summary, as tin prices are expected to rise in the short term, trading in the spot market will continue to cool down.
SHFE Tin Fluctuates Rangebound in Night Session, Spot Market Continues to Cool Down [SMM Tin Morning Brief Nov 21]
- Nov 21, 2024, at 9:31 am
Yesterday, the spot tin market saw a cooling in trading activity, with trade companies' quotations remaining stable and showing no significant fluctuations.
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