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Some Plants Suspend Production for Holidays, Zinc Oxide Operating Rate Declines Significantly [SMM Zinc Oxide Weekly Review]

  • Dec 27, 2024, at 2:25 pm
[Some Plants Halt Production for Holidays, Zinc Oxide Operating Rate Declines Significantly]: This week, the operating rate of zinc oxide producers was 57.14%, down 2.40% MoM. Raw material side, zinc prices rose steadily this week, and enterprises made just-in-time procurement to maintain their own inventory, with little change in raw material levels...
SMM December 27 News: This week, the operating rate of zinc oxide was 57.14%, down 2.40% MoM. Raw material side, zinc prices rose steadily this week, and enterprises made just-in-time procurement to maintain their own inventories, resulting in relatively small changes in raw material levels. Finished product inventories, zinc oxide enterprises recently maintained a balance between production and sales, with no further decline in finished product inventories observed. Orders side, zinc oxide orders in the rubber sector remained strong; pre-stocking orders from major manufacturers were mostly completed, and the feed industry performed poorly recently, leading to a weaker-than-expected peak season for related zinc oxide demand, with overall orders slightly declining. At year-end, many ceramic factories went on holiday, causing some zinc oxide plants to halt production, and orders for ceramic-grade zinc oxide dropped significantly. Operating side, some enterprises experienced a slight decline in production this week due to weak orders, coupled with the holiday shutdown of some ceramic-grade zinc oxide plants. The operating rate of zinc oxide decreased MoM this week and is expected to continue declining next week. 》Subscribe to view SMM historical spot metal prices 
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