The most-traded SHFE tin futures contract (2503) exhibited a steady upward trend after the market opened. During the daytime session, its gains expanded steadily, ultimately reaching a level of 1.93%. By the close of the daytime session, the most-traded contract continued to hover at highs, with significant trading volume and a noticeable increase in bullish sentiment. This upward momentum may have been driven by market sentiment. Despite weakness in the spot market, price fluctuations were primarily influenced by capital dynamics in the futures market and short-term technical factors.
The rapid surge in the most-traded SHFE tin futures contract may be linked to short covering or speculative capital inflows, with follow-up buying triggered after a technical breakout above key resistance levels. Market expectations for domestic easing policies and a recovery in semiconductor demand may provide temporary support for tin prices.
SHFE tin futures are expected to hover at highs in the short term, but caution is warranted regarding the risk of a pullback following the divergence between weak spot prices and futures premiums.
Today, SHFE tin futures and the spot market displayed a divergence, with "strong futures and weak spot." The rise in the futures market was primarily driven by capital and technical factors, while the spot market was constrained by inventory buildup and weakening demand. Investors should be cautious of volatility risks stemming from the correction of the spread between futures and spot prices, while also monitoring the impact of macro policies and disruptions in overseas ore supply on medium and long-term trends.