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Exclusive Survey Revealed! How Did the Enamelled Wire Industry Perform During the Traditional Peak Consumption Season? [SMM Analysis]

  • Mar 13, 2025, at 3:09 am
[Exclusive Survey Revealed! How Does the Enamelled Wire Industry Perform During the Traditional Peak Consumption Season?] In the warm spring of March, as everything comes back to life, it is currently the peak season for the enamelled wire industry. How are companies' orders performing? The SMM Copper Team has conducted a survey on the orders of some enamelled wire companies, and the specific details are as follows:

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       In March, as everything revives, the enamelled wire industry enters its peak season. How are companies performing in terms of orders? The SMM Copper Team has gathered insights from several enamelled wire companies, and the details are as follows:

       Company A: Currently, it is the traditional peak season for enamelled wire, and downstream orders are performing well, in line with seasonal expectations. At present, orders for end-user two-wheelers are recovering moderately, while industrial motors are performing relatively well. Recently, orders from the home appliance sector have been good, but demand for home appliances after late March is expected to decline, raising concerns about Q2 consumption.

      Company B: At present, enamelled wire orders are satisfactory, roughly reaching the levels of March in previous years. However, high copper prices are still suppressing demand, and downstream customers are cautious in their purchases.

       Company C: Orders have been increasing since late February and remain strong to date. Although copper prices have a suppressive effect on orders, the overall impact is relatively small. Currently, all machines are operating at full capacity, and capacity has been maximized, but production is still slightly lagging. Orders are expected to remain strong throughout March.

       Company D: Orders from home appliance companies are surging, and NEV performance is also excellent. Production is currently nearing full capacity and is expected to sustain this level until the end of March.

       Company E: Overall, orders are acceptable but not particularly robust. Downstream demand feels relatively weak, and shipments are not high compared to the same period last year.

       Company F: Copper price fluctuations have a noticeable impact on orders, with daily order volumes being somewhat unstable. However, overall orders on hand remain relatively sufficient. Demand from end-user home appliances, automotive micro-motors, transformers, and industrial motors is performing well, and March orders align with peak season expectations.

       Company G: Orders have been relatively stable, with a large number of major downstream clients, many of whom settle using average prices. Copper price fluctuations have limited impact on orders. All downstream sectors are performing well, and NEV orders have remained consistently stable.

       Company H: Downstream clients are primarily in the home appliance sector, and enamelled wire orders are strong. Most machines are operating at full capacity, and inventory has significantly decreased. The high operating rate is expected to continue throughout March.

       Company I: March orders are satisfactory. In addition to strong orders in traditional fields, orders for motors used in micro-motors and humanoid robots are also increasing.

       Overall, the enamelled wire industry is in its traditional peak season, with market performance aligning with expectations. According to company feedback, most enamelled wire companies have a high order saturation rate, with leading companies exceeding 90%, and some even surpassing 100%. The operating rate of non-idle machines remains at a high level of over 90%. From a sectoral perspective, orders in the home appliance and NEV fields are driving strong growth in enamelled wire consumption. Additionally, orders in power transformers, industrial motors, and power tools are also performing well. Although copper price fluctuations have some impact on demand, the overall effect on orders is limited. The enamelled wire market is expected to maintain high prosperity throughout March.

Data Source: Compiled by SMM        

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