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Green Hydrogen Project Tracking—CNEEC PV Hydrogen Production Project Tender

  • Mar 14, 2025, at 1:59 am

The detailed tender information for the PV hydrogen production and hydrogen energy supporting industry project in Luquan District, Shijiazhuang, by China Energy Engineering Corporation is as follows:

I. Project Overview

The PV hydrogen production and hydrogen energy supporting industry project in Luquan District, Shijiazhuang, by China Energy Engineering Corporation, is a large-scale integrated project covering hydrogen production through water electrolysis, comprehensive energy supply stations, wind power, PV, and more. The project is expected to involve an investment of 3.2 billion yuan, aiming to promote the establishment and operation of a hydrogen energy research institute and the adoption of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles.

II. Tender Details

  1. Tender Announcement Release Dates :

    • The tender announcement for preliminary design and early-stage supportive report preparation services was released on July 24, 2024.
    • The tender announcement for the EPC general contracting project, including alkaline electrolyzer hydrogen production equipment and power supply system equipment, was released on March 7, 2025.
  2. Tender Scope :

    • Preliminary Design and Early-Stage Supportive Report Preparation Services: The bid inviter is Nengjian Green Hydrogen (Shijiazhuang) New Energy Co., Ltd., the bid winner is China Power Engineering Consulting Group Central Southern Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd., and the winning bid amount is 6.42 million yuan.
    • EPC General Contracting Project: Covers alkaline electrolyzer hydrogen production equipment and power supply system equipment, reciprocating compressors, hydrogen diaphragm compressors and hydrogen filling columns, spherical storage tanks (including hydrogen and oxygen storage tanks), 35kV three-phase dual-winding power transformers, and more.
  3. Construction Scale :

    • The project will establish a hydrogen production capacity of 2,600 mt/year, with a by-product of 19,820 mt/year of liquid oxygen.
    • It will include a supporting PV new energy power station with a capacity of 44.15MW/56.97MWp and a 35kV step-down station.
    • The project will connect to the 220kV Luquan substation's 35kV side through a single 35kV grid connection line, with a line length of approximately 9.1 km, and will be equipped with a 5.5MW/11MWh electrochemical ESS.
  4. Construction Schedule :

    • Start Date: November 1, 2024.
    • Planned Full-Capacity Grid Connection Date: December 31, 2024.
    • Planned Production Handover Completion Date: June 20, 2025.
    • Planned Final Acceptance Completion Date: June 30, 2025.

III. Other Relevant Information

  1. Project Progress :

    • On May 12, 2023, China Energy Hydrogen Energy Co., Ltd. signed an investment and development agreement with the People's Government of Luquan City.
    • On August 9, 2023, the project was approved for filing.
    • On October 14, 2024, the EPC general contracting project bid-winning announcement was released, with the bid winner being China Power Engineering Consulting Group Central Southern Electric Power Design Institute Co., Ltd.
    • On January 2, 2025, the project was included in the list of key construction projects in Hebei province for 2025.
  • Selected News
  • Hydrogen energy
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